Tuesday, June 5, 2018

“My definition of religion is: to be in tune with nature” - Osho

Nature is God….Love thy nature…. That’s the best prayer you can offer

We learn such an important thing in school, but I think we only increase the number of ages in our kitty, but become dumb as we add those numbers. We purposely tend to forget these things probably, as we grow.

“If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere”

Osho says it beautifully “My definition of religion is: to be in tune with nature”.

Yes and that’s so very beautifully quoted. It teaches you everything, seriously everything.

the trees, leaves, branches, flowers, fruits are so very beautifully in sync with sun and moon.

They are happy…they wave…they bloom…they grow…they flower…blossom in tune with sun and moon

They respect the sun and moon

They wave with the wind, they bloom with the wind

They bloom beautifully in different way in each and every season

Bloom beautifully with sun, dance heavily with rains, blossom in amazing way with cold, snow.

Change their colour according to five elements.

And enjoy each and every moment. They express their happiness in such a beautiful way. They create music, rhythm in even small sizzles of leaves.

They are the best teacher in whatever we do. Then why can’t we love them and in turn respect them. Why do we show disrespect by throwing, spitting unwanted things on road, garden. Why can’t we keep it as it is. In simpe terms Beautiful.

There are small steps that each and every individual can follow:

1.    Avoid Plastics (Thanks to government, Plastic is banned now)

2.   Have cup of tea in your own favourite mug, rather than plastic, thermocol cups and increase garbage

3.   Carry your own vegetable bag with you

4.   Carry a small steel/ copper water bottle wherever you go, so that buying of plastic water bottles will be minimised.

5.   Avoid plastic , thermocol plates, spoon, glasses for parties. We get plates made up of bamboo, leaves.

6.   Carry chocolate wrappers, wafers pack with you and throw when you see a garbage bin in public place. Or throw when you reach your house.

7.   Hold your spit, or throw in your own container. Carry container with you.

8.   Respect the nature that God has given you.

9.   Beautiful sun, great warm filled rains, awesome flowers blooming everyday, fruits that we eat.

I think, genuinely it needs to be the first lesson, we need to teach kids when they enter school, to love the nature and respect it. It is because of which we are. And don’t take it for granted.
Just imagine, sun does not rise one day, because it felt bad about the disrespect that we have shown towards them. Or it forgot to go and it was sunny day and night. I know, its kiddish, but sometimes, it is required.
Then attending summits, and having discussions why did this happen. Lets wake up. Its high time.

And by the way …. Happy Environment Day to all my nature loving folks !!